Bis Services
Maritime, 1485 29th St, Kenner, Louisiana, 70062, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: +18*********
BIS Services LLC was formed as a Louisiana LLC in 1998 and is a licensed LA Contractor. In its early years, BIS' expertise was working in various labor-intensive construction services mar...
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Headquarters: 1485 29th St, Kenner, Louisiana, 70062, United States
Date Founded: 1998
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Maritime
SIC Code: 4959
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding BIS Services
Answer: BIS Services's headquarters are located at 1485 29th St, Kenner, Louisiana, 70062, United States
Answer: BIS Services's phone number is +18*********
Answer: BIS Services's official website is
Answer: BIS Services's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: BIS Services's SIC: 4959
Answer: BIS Services has 11-50 employees
Answer: BIS Services is in Maritime
Answer: BIS Services contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:
Answer: BIS Services LLC was formed as a Louisiana LLC in 1998 and is a licensed LA Contractor. In its early years, BIS' expertise was working in various labor-intensive construction services markets. These included ship cleaning, shore-side tank cleaning and oil spill response industries. We typically complete 150 to 200 individual ship cleaning jobs a year as a prime contractor. Another major component of our prime contractor work in the waterways of south Louisiana has been providing logistical support for the Marine Spill Response Corporation for oil spill clean up work. In these efforts, BIS environmental expertise supports clean up operations with labor, communications, water, fuel and housing on site. We provide tugs and barges to collect and deliver the contaminated materials for disposal. We also supply safety and emergency health care. Over the past five years we have completed seven such projects. Prime contractors on Corps and other large construction projects often have labor-intensive elements in their construction jobs. Maintaining a labor force for interim use is not cost effective. BIS has a ready pool of labor, accustomed to working other than a regular schedule. To meet prime contractors need for labor, BIS routinely assists various other prime contractors in their heavy construction operations for the Corps and La. DNR. Performing the labor intensive parts of the projects gives BIS's personnel opportunities and experience in the heavy construction field. After Katrina, BIS was awarded a first tier subcontract by Phillips and Jordan for work on their debris removal and demolition contract with the Corps of Engineers. We completed the loading, hauling and delivering of over 1,800,000 cy of debris over a two-year period. In response to growing need of the Corps and key prime contractors for responsible HubZone participation, BIS Construction and Ship Services was HubZone certified in 2002.
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