Bigfoot Homes
Government Administration, 7501 Ave Ste 1200e, Santa Cruz, California, Wisconsin, 20814, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +19*********
Are you struggling to find affordable housing in California? Look no further than Bigfoot Homes. Our data-driven insights into localities and affordable approach to the building are helpi...
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Headquarters: 7501 Wisconsin Ave Ste 1200e, Santa Cruz, California, 20814, United States
Date Founded: 2020
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Government Administration
SIC Code: 6162; 7389
NAICS Code: 522310 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bigfoot Homes
Answer: Bigfoot Homes's headquarters are located at 7501 Ave Ste 1200e, Santa Cruz, California, Wisconsin, 20814, United States
Answer: Bigfoot Homes's phone number is +19*********
Answer: Bigfoot Homes's official website is
Answer: Bigfoot Homes's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million
Answer: Bigfoot Homes's SIC: 6162; 7389
Answer: Bigfoot Homes's NAICS: 522310
Answer: Bigfoot Homes has 1-10 employees
Answer: Bigfoot Homes is in Government Administration
Answer: Bigfoot Homes contact info: Phone number: +19********* Website:
Answer: Are you struggling to find affordable housing in California? Look no further than Bigfoot Homes. Our data-driven insights into localities and affordable approach to the building are helping ease the housing shortage in CA. We find ways to bring sustainable solutions like solar, grey water systems, and green building materials to areas that need them most and at a price below the median home price in CA. We offer a variety of models from the largest manufacturers in the U.S. and provide General Contractor services in select areas. Plus, our seamless experience includes handling sales, permits, delivery, and installation. Did we mention that our modular construction is fast, efficient, cost-effective, and has a lower carbon footprint than traditional site-built homes? Trust Bigfoot Homes to provide you with a quality and affordable housing solution.
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