Beyond BASIC Life Skills

Beyond Basic Life Skills

Individual & Family Services, 70 East Bay St, Summerville, South Carolina, 29401, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Beyond BASIC assists adults with intellectual disabilities in becoming contributing members of society by providing a program that enables independent living skills beyond the basics. Ind...

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  • 70 East Bay St, Summerville, South Carolina, 29401, United States Headquarters: 70 East Bay St, Summerville, South Carolina, 29401, United States
  • 2017 Date Founded: 2017
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

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Joanna Gonzalez

Community Outreach Director and Team Captain

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Beyond BASIC Life Skills

Answer: Beyond BASIC Life Skills's headquarters are located at 70 East Bay St, Summerville, South Carolina, 29401, United States

Answer: Beyond BASIC Life Skills's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Beyond BASIC Life Skills's official website is

Answer: Beyond BASIC Life Skills's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Beyond BASIC Life Skills has 1-10 employees

Answer: Beyond BASIC Life Skills is in Individual & Family Services

Answer: Beyond BASIC Life Skills contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: Beyond BASIC assists adults with intellectual disabilities in becoming contributing members of society by providing a program that enables independent living skills beyond the basics. Individuals with intellectual disabilities typically spend their first two decades in a structured environment with limited access to specialized support. Currently, South Carolina public programs for individuals with disabilities continue until age 21. These early support systems are often not programmed to address individual needs, which leaves a gap in learning. What happens when that child becomes an adult and ages out of their high school program? That individual typically winds up spending a significant amount of time in front of the television or is enrolled in an adult day care center. While this meets the needs of some, we believe that more options should be available for adults with disabilities. Adults with intellectual disabilities have historically been kept in a box, while everyone else assumes what they can and cannot do. Many people make generalized assumptions about what these individuals will be able to do in life, how they act, how they learn, how they look, etc. The Beyond BASIC team believes that everyone deserves the opportunity and applicable resources necessary to achieve their own definition of a fulfilled, independent life. We have found that once our Teammates are challenged, they are excited to rise to the occasion. We believe that all adults should learn basic skills, such as cooking healthy, exercising, communicating with others, performing household chores and managing money. When given the opportunity, our teammates not only meet expectations, they exceed them! We believe each individual is capable of their own unique independence and deserves a quality program that will suit their needs. We work to provide a variety of learning opportunities and experiences so that our friends are well-rounded and find fulfillment in their lives!

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