Bethesda Florist
Retail, 4934 Saint Elmo Ave, Bethesda, Maryland, 20814, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: 30********
Bethesda Florist is one of the Nations Premier Florists. Teleflora ranks Bethesda Florist in the 100 florists the country out of 15,000 plus. Bethesda Florist carries a superior selection...
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- Headquarters: 4934 Saint Elmo Ave, Bethesda, Maryland, 20814, United States
- Date Founded: 1959
- Employees: 11-50
- Revenue: Under $1 Million
- Active Tech Stack: See technologies
- CEO: Tracy Callahan
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bethesda Florist
Answer: Bethesda Florist's headquarters are located at 4934 Saint Elmo Ave, Bethesda, Maryland, 20814, United States
Answer: Bethesda Florist's phone number is 30********
Answer: Bethesda Florist's official website is
Answer: Bethesda Florist's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Bethesda Florist's SIC: 5992
Answer: Bethesda Florist's NAICS: 459310
Answer: Bethesda Florist has 11-50 employees
Answer: Bethesda Florist is in Retail
Answer: Bethesda Florist contact info: Phone number: 30******** Website:
Answer: Bethesda Florist is one of the Nations Premier Florists. Teleflora ranks Bethesda Florist in the 100 florists the country out of 15,000 plus. Bethesda Florist carries a superior selection of Dutch, South American and US flowers. No order too small, and delivery service WORLD WIDE. Same day delivery through out the USA. Bethesda Florist has been owned by the Callahan family from the start in 1959. Tracy Callahan is the President and CEO. His Father started the business. We would love to be your florist! We offer frequent buyer discounts and a knowledgable staff with over 243 years of industry experience combined. With over 6.3 million miles covered on delivery over the years, we are one of the countries leaders in delivering smiles! Call us today, you'll be glad you did. Feel free to have us open a charge account for your company. We deliver, "Weekly" flowers to many companies throughout the metro area and the love it! What a fantastic way to brighten your office and create a friendly, upbeat environment.
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