Berkshire Biomedical Corporation

Berkshire Biomedical Corporation

Medical Devices, 5950 Berkshire Ln, Dallas, Texas, 75225, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Berkshire Biomedical Corporation is a privately held medical device company. Berkshire is pioneering the use of biometric technologies, combined with cloud-based and physician-enabled rem...

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  • 5950 Berkshire Ln, Dallas, Texas, 75225, United States Headquarters: 5950 Berkshire Ln, Dallas, Texas, 75225, United States
  • 2016 Date Founded: 2016
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Medical Devices

SIC SIC Code: 7372 | NAICS Code: 513210 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Berkshire Biomedical Corporation

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation's headquarters are located at 5950 Berkshire Ln, Dallas, Texas, 75225, United States

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation's official website is

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation's SIC: 7372

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation's NAICS: 513210

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation has 1-10 employees

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation is in Medical Devices

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: Berkshire Biomedical Corporation is a privately held medical device company. Berkshire is pioneering the use of biometric technologies, combined with cloud-based and physician-enabled remote management systems, to provide precise and accurate personalized medication delivery to only the Authenticated Intended User (AIUTM). The Companys lead product under development, the Computerized Oral Prescription Administration System (COPATM), is a hand-held, automated, personalized oral liquid dispensing system designed and intended to deliver controlled and non-controlled liquid oral medications to only the Authenticated Intended User upon confirmation of dual biometric identifications (fingerprint and dentition). Upon receiving regulatory authorization, the Company intends to initially seek opportunities to leverage COPA in the delivery and remote management of oral liquid medication methadone, for Medication Use for Opioid Use Disorder treatment (MOUD) and then subsequently for the delivery of controlled medications for the treatment of pain, as they have the greatest need for the benefits of COPAs features. The COPATM System is currently under development, has NOT been reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is not available for commercial sale.


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