Bedshe International

Bedshe International

Textiles, , New York, 07722, United States, 201-500 Employees

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Our story started with a simple sewing machine. One mother started making linens for her friends and family, and through that humble process she learned that home linens should be as cozy...

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  • New York, New York, 07722, United States Headquarters: New York, New York, 07722, United States
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million

industries-icon Industry: Textiles

SIC SIC Code: 7991 | NAICS Code: 713940 | Show More

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Vivien Gutbrod

Influencer and Partnerships Marketing Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bedshe International

Answer: Bedshe International's headquarters are located at New York, 07722, United States

Answer: Bedshe International's phone number is +16*********

Answer: Bedshe International's official website is

Answer: Bedshe International's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Bedshe International's SIC: 7991

Answer: Bedshe International's NAICS: 713940

Answer: Bedshe International has 201-500 employees

Answer: Bedshe International is in Textiles

Answer: Bedshe International contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:

Answer: Our story started with a simple sewing machine. One mother started making linens for her friends and family, and through that humble process she learned that home linens should be as cozy as a mothers hug. Thats a lesson we still keep close to our hearts. It began with the softest, most cozy sheets you could want for a good nights sleep. And as new technology finds ways to help people with different sleep needs, we track down the best new fabrics and sleep-supporting technology and add exciting innovations to our line. Weve always tried to provide our comfortable products at a good price, so that everyone can enjoy a sense of belonging and the feeling of security only being truly at home can bring. Its important to us that you and your family have great options for whatever your budget allows. Part of how we do it is by going straight to the source and making sure we have good relationships with everyone from farmers to manufacturing plants. But its also because we sell directly to you, cutting the cost of middlemen. We know how important family is to you, so we make it easier for you to surround your family in comfort. We make sure all our products are ethically made, sustainably sourced, and eco-friendly. And so our partners can afford the comfort they help create, theyre all fairly paid. Were proud of our humble beginnings. For us, its always been a reminder to treat people with kindness, to keep our eyes out for new ways to make people comfortable, and to deliver everything we make with a smile.


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