Baxters North America

Baxters North America

Food & Beverages, 4700 CRK Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45242, United States, 501-1000 Employees

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Welcome to Baxters North America (BNA). Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, BNA is a leading supplier of convenient shelf-stable foods and military rations servicing the U.S. government an...

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  • 4700 CRK Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45242, United States Headquarters: 4700 CRK Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45242, United States
  • 501-1000 Employees: 501-1000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million

industries-icon Industry: Food & Beverages

SIC SIC Code: 2032 | NAICS Code: 423990 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Baxters North America

Answer: Baxters North America's headquarters are located at 4700 CRK Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45242, United States

Answer: Baxters North America's phone number is 16*********

Answer: Baxters North America's official website is

Answer: Baxters North America's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Baxters North America's SIC: 2032

Answer: Baxters North America's NAICS: 423990

Answer: Baxters North America has 501-1000 employees

Answer: Baxters North America is in Food & Beverages

Answer: Baxters North America contact info: Phone number: 16********* Website:

Answer: Welcome to Baxters North America (BNA). Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, BNA is a leading supplier of convenient shelf-stable foods and military rations servicing the U.S. government and large Consumer Product Goods companies. Our products are co-manufactured under leading brands sold in retail and foodservice outlets throughout the United States. Baxters North America is now coast to coast and is ready for any challenge. At Baxters, we understand the nuances of satisfying customer taste enjoyment is key and have, for generations, delivered winning formulations around the globe. Food that serves you well. Baxters Food Group Limited, also known as Baxters of Speyside or Baxters, is a food processing company, based in Fochabers, Scotland, acquired Wornick Foods (2014) and Truitt Bros. (2020).


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