Baker's Drive Thru

Baker's Drive Thru

Restaurants, 4210 Riverwalk Pkwy, Riverside, California, 92505, United States, 1001-5000 Employees

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Once upon a time in San Bernardino, California..... Neal T. Baker and his wife Carol had the idea of opening a hamburger restaurant. But this was not an ordinary restaurant, they want to ...

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  • 4210 Riverwalk Pkwy, Riverside, California, 92505, United States Headquarters: 4210 Riverwalk Pkwy, Riverside, California, 92505, United States
  • 1952 Date Founded: 1952
  • 1001-5000 Employees: 1001-5000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Restaurants

SIC SIC Code: 7372 | NAICS Code: 513210 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Baker's Drive Thru

Answer: Baker's Drive Thru's headquarters are located at 4210 Riverwalk Pkwy, Riverside, California, 92505, United States

Answer: Baker's Drive Thru's phone number is 90********

Answer: Baker's Drive Thru's official website is

Answer: Baker's Drive Thru's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Baker's Drive Thru's SIC: 7372

Answer: Baker's Drive Thru's NAICS: 513210

Answer: Baker's Drive Thru has 1001-5000 employees

Answer: Baker's Drive Thru is in Restaurants

Answer: Baker's Drive Thru contact info: Phone number: 90******** Website:

Answer: Once upon a time in San Bernardino, California..... Neal T. Baker and his wife Carol had the idea of opening a hamburger restaurant. But this was not an ordinary restaurant, they want to serve top-quality freshly made food at affordable prices to people on the go. It was 1952, the dawning of the American fast-food industry, and Neal T. Baker was one of its founding fathers. By 1955 Neal realized that folks liked tacos and burritos just as much as they did hamburgers, so he added those to the menu as well. It was the first dual-concept fast food chain, which he called the Twin Kitchen. Its still the core of Bakers menu offerings today. Neal kept on innovating, and in 1995 he introduced a line of vegetarian menu items in the Loma Linda location. They proved so popular that they expanded to the rest of the Bakers locations. 2022 marks the 70th Anniversary of Bakers Drive-Thru. Today there are 39 locations throughout the Inland Empire and the chain is still owned by the Baker family, who carry on Neal and Carols legacy by providing great food, great service, and great prices.

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