Babcock Ranch

Babcock Ranch

Real Estate, Cres Loop, Babcock Ranch, , 33982, Florida, 42850, United States, 51-200 Employees

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We are America's first solar town utilizing an on-site 150-megawatt utility-scale solar generation facility to produce more clean, renewable energy than we consume. We are also part of th...

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  • 42850 Cres Loop, Babcock Ranch, Florida, 33982, United States Headquarters: 42850 Cres Loop, Babcock Ranch, Florida, 33982, United States
  • 1992 Date Founded: 1992
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Real Estate

SIC SIC Code: 0762

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Babcock Ranch

Answer: Babcock Ranch's headquarters are located at Cres Loop, Babcock Ranch, , 33982, Florida, 42850, United States

Answer: Babcock Ranch's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Babcock Ranch's official website is

Answer: Babcock Ranch's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Babcock Ranch's SIC: 0762

Answer: Babcock Ranch has 51-200 employees

Answer: Babcock Ranch is in Real Estate

Answer: Babcock Ranch contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: We are America's first solar town utilizing an on-site 150-megawatt utility-scale solar generation facility to produce more clean, renewable energy than we consume. We are also part of the largest single land acquisition for preservation in Florida history. But Babcock Ranch is not simply making history, we are making tomorrow: We are creating an environment unlike any other to nurture your business success in ways that empower your entire enterprise through sustainability and innovation. This is the kind of supportive setting you may have dreamed of, but never before dreamed possible. In a customized facility, watch your success take root rapidly. Babcock Ranch has entitled 6 million square feet for development of light industrial, retail, commercial, civic and office space. That means your business has the room and the resources to grow in a collaborative environment conducive for creation of value across sectors, from sustainable technologies to software development, from data centers to corporate headquarters, from sports performance to research and development, from consultancies to creative endeavors. Woven into the infrastructure and permeating the serene and inviting atmosphere, Babcock Ranchs sustainability translates into competitive advantages that are both measurablein lowered utility costs and higher productivity, for example--and yet beyond measure in establishing and enhancing your enterprise brand identity, and in fulfilling your organizational values. Babcock Ranch puts you on the map as a sustainability leader, and it locates your operation near critical markets with strategic logistical options.


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