Health, Wellness And Fitness, 331 Park Ave S, New York, 10010, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +12*********
Who is BAACK2
Get Back to Fully Living Life When you suffer from lower back pain or sciatica and add up just how many things youve had to compromise, adjust, or worse yet, give up...thats when people r...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Baack2
Answer: Baack2's headquarters are located at 331 Park Ave S, New York, 10010, United States
Answer: Baack2's phone number is +12*********
Answer: Baack2's official website is
Answer: Baack2's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million
Answer: Baack2 has 1-10 employees
Answer: Baack2 is in Health, Wellness and Fitness
Answer: Baack2 contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:
Answer: Get Back to Fully Living Life When you suffer from lower back pain or sciatica and add up just how many things youve had to compromise, adjust, or worse yet, give up...thats when people really appreciate good health and pain-free movement. And thats why Dr. Ed Barry, a board-certified chiropractic orthopedist and certified laser pain management physician, formed BAACK2 and developed the product Lift. To get you back to all those things in life that you used to do before pain entered your world. Getting you back to work. Back to traveling, exploring, playing and doing all the things that you love together with the people that you love. Getting you back to fully living life, and experiencing all the amazing things it has to offer.
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