
B Line

Financial Services, 2101 Fourth Ave, Seattle, Washington, 98121, United States, 51-200 Employees


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Who is B-LINE

B-Line, LLC ("B-Line") is one of the leading purchasers and servicers of consumer bankruptcy accounts in the United States. Since our founding in 1997, we have purchased and serviced more...

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industries-icon Industry: Financial Services

SIC SIC Code: 7389 | NAICS Code: 561499 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding B-Line

Answer: B-Line's headquarters are located at 2101 Fourth Ave, Seattle, Washington, 98121, United States

Answer: B-Line's phone number is +18*********

Answer: B-Line's official website is https://blinellc.com

Answer: B-Line's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: B-Line's SIC: 7389

Answer: B-Line's NAICS: 561499

Answer: B-Line has 51-200 employees

Answer: B-Line is in Financial Services

Answer: B-Line contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website: https://blinellc.com

Answer: B-Line, LLC ("B-Line") is one of the leading purchasers and servicers of consumer bankruptcy accounts in the United States. Since our founding in 1997, we have purchased and serviced more than $45 billion of bankruptcy receivables. B-Line purchases secured and unsecured consumer debt included in both chapter 7 and chapter 13 cases throughout the nation. We purchase existing portfolios of previously filed bankrupt accounts ("bulk") and future bankrupt accounts as their filings occur ("forward flow"). Bankruptcy recovery solutions provided by B-Line are tailored to specific client needs. With our commitment to technology and strategic partnerships, we rapidly implement customized bankruptcy recovery solutions to meet every creditor's need. Our expertise in the complex bankruptcy market and best in class process management allow us to provide effective and low cost solutions to our clients. B-Line's bankruptcy recovery solutions ensure creditors immediately receive cash every month which increases their ability to fund other profit-producing initiatives. Our customers dramatically improve their bankruptcy operations and reduce costs. Our clients not only receive a predictable stream of revenue, they also benefit from services that increase the efficiency and profitability of their bankruptcy management organization. With our technical capabilities and financial strength, B-Line is able to quickly analyze your existing bankruptcy portfolio, produce a competitive pricing proposal, fund the transaction promptly, and implement a bankruptcy recovery solution tailored to meet your specific needs. Solid experience and reputation, combined with flexibility and very competitive pricing, are a reality in every bankruptcy portfolio recovery solution proposed by B-Line. This will allow your organization to experience unparalleled profitability increases from your bankruptcy consumer receivables.


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