Associates Insectary

Associates Insectary

Farming, 1400 E Santa Paula St, Santa Paula, California, 93060, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Associates Insectary is a grower-owned agricultural pest control cooperative which provides its Members with professional pest control advice, beneficial organisms, and spray applications...

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  • 1400 E Santa Paula St, Santa Paula, California, 93060, United States Headquarters: 1400 E Santa Paula St, Santa Paula, California, 93060, United States
  • 1928 Date Founded: 1928
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Farming

SIC SIC Code: 7342 | NAICS Code: 541690 | Show More

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Mary Edwards

Insect Rearing Technician

Joe Tellez

Pest Control Advisor

Brett Chandler

President/General Manager

Victor Perez

Senior Rearing Technician

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Associates Insectary

Answer: Associates Insectary's headquarters are located at 1400 E Santa Paula St, Santa Paula, California, 93060, United States

Answer: Associates Insectary's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Associates Insectary's official website is

Answer: Associates Insectary's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Associates Insectary's SIC: 7342

Answer: Associates Insectary's NAICS: 541690

Answer: Associates Insectary has 11-50 employees

Answer: Associates Insectary is in Farming

Answer: Associates Insectary contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: Associates Insectary is a grower-owned agricultural pest control cooperative which provides its Members with professional pest control advice, beneficial organisms, and spray applications when needed. Combining the use of these three tools in a thoughtful manner is the cornerstone of the highly successful Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program used at Associates. We are proud to be one of the pioneers in implementing this integrated approach to pest control back in the 1920s. The Insectary has continually expanded its facilities and production capacity over the past 95 years. We are now the leading producer of Mealybug Destroyer beetles, Californicus predatory mites and Aphytis melinus parasites in the country. While most of our predators and parasites are used to combat pests in our Members groves, increasing numbers of our Good Bugs are being sold to outside sources. We have become one of the largest domestic suppliers of beneficial organisms to resale distributors and growers across North America. Rearing predators and parasites requires that we operate 365 days a year. The Insectary raises about two million organisms each day. That equates to 500-800 million beneficial organisms grown here each year. In addition to raising Cryptolaemus or Mealybug Destroyer beetles as we like to call them, our staff of highly trained individuals also raises several other species of beneficial organisms including: Neoseiulus californicus, a predatory mite is reared to help control mites in avocado groves and many other crops; and Aphytis melinus, a tiny wasp that parasitizes California Red scale insects. Many of these beneficial insects are raised in the same buildings constructed and used when the Insectary was first founded in 1928.

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