Aquapharm Pchem

Aquapharm Pchem

Oil & Energy, 3985 U.S. 287, Latexo, Texas, 75835, United States, 51-200 Employees

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APChem is a specialty chemical company that supplies formulations of it's engineered chemistry to reduce environmental impact and increase efficiencies for Oilfield Chemistry, Oilfield So...

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  • 3985 U.S. 287, Latexo, Texas, 75835, United States Headquarters: 3985 U.S. 287, Latexo, Texas, 75835, United States
  • 2017 Date Founded: 2017
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Oil & Energy

SIC SIC Code: 3272 | NAICS Code: 327390 | Show More

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Amy Richardson

Director of Supply Chain

Roxye Luther

Invoicing and Logistics Specialist

Jose Arrieta

Latin America Marketing Manager

Gladis Glover

Supply Chain Specialist

Lorelvis Urbina

Engineering Project Manager

Lance Parker

Directore Information Technology

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aquapharm Pchem

Answer: Aquapharm Pchem's headquarters are located at 3985 U.S. 287, Latexo, Texas, 75835, United States

Answer: Aquapharm Pchem's phone number is 34********

Answer: Aquapharm Pchem's official website is

Answer: Aquapharm Pchem's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Aquapharm Pchem's SIC: 3272

Answer: Aquapharm Pchem's NAICS: 327390

Answer: Aquapharm Pchem has 51-200 employees

Answer: Aquapharm Pchem is in Oil & Energy

Answer: Aquapharm Pchem contact info: Phone number: 34******** Website:

Answer: APChem is a specialty chemical company that supplies formulations of it's engineered chemistry to reduce environmental impact and increase efficiencies for Oilfield Chemistry, Oilfield Solutions, and Water Treatment customers. Our name (APChem) is new but our capabilities, work ethic, and commitment to the industry are not. A global leader in water treatment and phosphonate production (Aquapharm India) coupled with a specialty chemical plant (Pchem, now APChem) geographically positioned near the petrochemical hub of the world (Houston, TX area), tenured with multiple decades of unrivaled chemical expertise, is as close to a perfect partnership as one could get. APChem delivers world-class oilfield and water treatment products designed for todays modern technology and engineering. Capabilities and Satisfaction Staff and management offer decades of field experience and expertise. They put their extensive knowledge to use in the formulation, manufacturing, and supply chain management to deliver best of class solutions to meet our clients needs. APChem is a specialty chemical company, but foremost a customer company as it is as much about the experience of working together as it is about product application and success. Proven Solutions - Utilize global field proven chemistries for better performance and economics. - Globally positioned to meet the industries demand and response time. - Global footprint reduces transportation, logistics, and operational cost. - Receive customized treatment recommendations based on your operational and economic challenges. - Chemistry meets application.


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