Andean Telecom Partners

Andean Telecom Partners

Telecommunications, 4000 Hollywood BLVD, Hollywood, Florida, 33021, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Andean Telecom Partners (ATP) is the largest privately owned provider of digital infrastructure in the Andean region. Our company owns, operates, and leases assets across an extensive por...

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industries-icon Industry: Telecommunications

SIC SIC Code: 2834

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Andean Telecom Partners Org Chart and Mapping


Sergio Regueros

Chief Commercial Officer

Felipe Duarte

Chief Financial Officer

Eva Higueras

Financial Planning and Analysis Manager

Timothy Dee

Executive Vice President, Strategy & Technology

Jessica Romero

Supervisor De Construcción

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Andean Telecom Partners

Answer: Andean Telecom Partners's headquarters are located at 4000 Hollywood BLVD, Hollywood, Florida, 33021, United States

Answer: Andean Telecom Partners's phone number is 95********

Answer: Andean Telecom Partners's official website is

Answer: Andean Telecom Partners's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Andean Telecom Partners's SIC: 2834

Answer: Andean Telecom Partners has 51-200 employees

Answer: Andean Telecom Partners is in Telecommunications

Answer: Andean Telecom Partners contact info: Phone number: 95******** Website:

Answer: Andean Telecom Partners (ATP) is the largest privately owned provider of digital infrastructure in the Andean region. Our company owns, operates, and leases assets across an extensive portfolio of telecommunications towers, rooftops, small cells, and optical fiber networks. With presence throughout Colombia, Peru, Chile and Ecuador, our solutions play a central role in supporting vibrant digital economies, and in enabling mobile and internet connectivity in South America.


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