

Marketing And Advertising, S Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90248, Vermont, 19032, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Americhip Inc. is the global leader in the design, development and production of multisensory and digital solutions in marketing, advertising, and communications. Americhip collaborates w...

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  • 19032 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90248, United States Headquarters: 19032 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90248, United States
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million

industries-icon Industry: Marketing and Advertising

SIC SIC Code: 2752

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Jeff Mancini

Director of Business Development

Paul Fontana

Creative Services Manager

Bill Voong

Director, New Business Development - West Coast

Ronald Yu

Director of Digital Design

Matt Morton

Technical Services Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Americhip

Answer: Americhip's headquarters are located at S Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90248, Vermont, 19032, United States

Answer: Americhip's phone number is 11**********

Answer: Americhip's official website is

Answer: Americhip's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Americhip's SIC: 2752

Answer: Americhip has 51-200 employees

Answer: Americhip is in Marketing and Advertising

Answer: Americhip contact info: Phone number: 11********** Website:

Answer: Americhip Inc. is the global leader in the design, development and production of multisensory and digital solutions in marketing, advertising, and communications. Americhip collaborates with leading companies in every vertical and their agencies to create high-impact campaigns that captivate audiences through expert integration of various technologies into print media, publishing, packaging, and displays. Americhip is also the inventor of Video in Print, an innovative technology that incorporates live video into print communications and point of sale displays. On the technology innovation front, Americhip is now developing applications around Mobile in Print, RFID, NFC, BLE, AR, as well as Virtual Reality (VR) applications.

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