American Sign Museum

Museums And Institutions, 1330 Monmouth St, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45225, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Visit America's Largest Public Sign Museum Our mission is to celebrate the rich history of American signage through preservation and education. The American Sign Museum is the premier ins...

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  • 1330 Monmouth St, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45225, United States Headquarters: 1330 Monmouth St, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45225, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8412

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding American Sign Museum

Answer: American Sign Museum's headquarters are located at 1330 Monmouth St, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45225, United States

Answer: American Sign Museum's phone number is +15*********

Answer: American Sign Museum's official website is

Answer: American Sign Museum's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: American Sign Museum's SIC: 8412

Answer: American Sign Museum has 1-10 employees

Answer: American Sign Museum is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: American Sign Museum contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website:

Answer: Visit America's Largest Public Sign Museum Our mission is to celebrate the rich history of American signage through preservation and education. The American Sign Museum is the premier institution for preserving historic signs and promoting the sign industry's contributions to commerce, culture and the American landscape. Experience the American Sign Museum with family, friends and coworkers. Better yet, entertain your guests here at a private, ASM-hosted event. = = = = = What is the American Sign Museum? The American Sign Museum is dedicated to the art and history of signs and sign making. The museum is proud to be the largest public museum dedicated to signs in the United States! Covering more than 100 years of American sign history in 20,000 square feet of indoor space, the museum is a walk through the ages of sign technologies and designs. Some signs, still in their original shipping crates, remain pristine. Others proudly retain a weathered look. The storefront-laden Signs on Main Street display recreates a typical Main Street Any-Town USA, with shop windows full of sign-related artifacts. Current sign artisans have added to Main Street's "look" by creating "distressed" signs to reflect the time period. See if you can tell which signs are which! Look for the revolving sign with its actual bullet hole. Don't miss the Burma Shave sign sequence up above. Enjoy a full-size, reassembled, Mail Pouch barn sign in a room filled with local Cincinnati signs. Bring your family, your friends, or your group for a fun and educational experience. During the weekdays, your experience can often include a neon demonstration provided by Neonworks, a commercial neon shop located inside the Museum

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