American Assisted Living Nurses Association

American Assisted Living Nurses Association

Non Profit Organization Management, 2265 Big Ranch Rd, Napa, California, 94558, United States, 1-10 Employees

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American Assisted Living Nurses Association (AALNA), a professional nursing association representing assisted living registered nurses and licensed practical/vocational nurses. Our goal i...

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  • 2265 Big Ranch Rd, Napa, California, 94558, United States Headquarters: 2265 Big Ranch Rd, Napa, California, 94558, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million

industries-icon Industry: Non Profit Organization Management

SIC SIC Code: 8049

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American Assisted Living Nurses Association Org Chart and Mapping


Ltca Dicarlo Venegas

Assisted Living / Healthcare Administrator

Teressa Morris

Administrative Assistant

Mandy MSN

Member Board of Directors

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding American Assisted Living Nurses Association

Answer: American Assisted Living Nurses Association's headquarters are located at 2265 Big Ranch Rd, Napa, California, 94558, United States

Answer: American Assisted Living Nurses Association's phone number is 70********

Answer: American Assisted Living Nurses Association's official website is

Answer: American Assisted Living Nurses Association's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: American Assisted Living Nurses Association's SIC: 8049

Answer: American Assisted Living Nurses Association has 1-10 employees

Answer: American Assisted Living Nurses Association is in Non Profit Organization Management

Answer: American Assisted Living Nurses Association contact info: Phone number: 70******** Website:

Answer: American Assisted Living Nurses Association (AALNA), a professional nursing association representing assisted living registered nurses and licensed practical/vocational nurses. Our goal is to promote safe, effective, and dignified nursing practice in assisted living. The AALNA was formed in June 2001 by a group of assisted living nurses and is still operated only by nurses currently practicing in the field. We have developed two distinct Scope and Standards of Practice statements for assisted living nurses (one for RNs; one for LPN/LVNs) that draw on principles of gerontological nursing, as well as a certification exam with demonstrated validity and reliability. As a founding board member of the Center for Excellence in Assisted Living (CEAL), the AALNA is a continuing voice for assisted living nursing. The organization served as a steering committee member and co-chair for the national Assisted Living Workgroup. There are state chapters in New Jersey, Vermont, Maryland, Arizona and New York. We expect several more chapters to become officially approved in 2009. The AALNA has an active website and provides its members with links to nursing practice, education, research, policy information and resources, associations, organizations, government sites and products. The AALNA Report is published in every edition of the peer-review journal Geriatric Nursing.

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