Amelio C. Enterprises

Amelio C. Enterprises

Food & Beverages, 2656 N 37th Dr, Phoenix, Arizona, 85016, United States, 11-50 Employees

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1996 Amelio first acquired the Cactus Candy Company,which manufactures gourmet specialty foods.. The Cactus Candy Company has been creating candies, jellies, marmalades and syrups out of ...

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  • 2656 N 37th Dr, Phoenix, Arizona, 85016, United States Headquarters: 2656 N 37th Dr, Phoenix, Arizona, 85016, United States
  • 1996 Date Founded: 1996
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Food & Beverages

SIC SIC Code: 2064

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amelio C. Enterprises

Answer: Amelio C. Enterprises's headquarters are located at 2656 N 37th Dr, Phoenix, Arizona, 85016, United States

Answer: Amelio C. Enterprises's phone number is 60********

Answer: Amelio C. Enterprises's official website is

Answer: Amelio C. Enterprises's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Amelio C. Enterprises's SIC: 2064

Answer: Amelio C. Enterprises has 11-50 employees

Answer: Amelio C. Enterprises is in Food & Beverages

Answer: Amelio C. Enterprises contact info: Phone number: 60******** Website:

Answer: 1996 Amelio first acquired the Cactus Candy Company,which manufactures gourmet specialty foods.. The Cactus Candy Company has been creating candies, jellies, marmalades and syrups out of the prickly pear cactus since 1942. This led to creating a contract manufacturing arm of the company. Amelio C. Enterprises currently manufactures a wide variety of products for small to medium size companies selling products in grocery chains and local markets. 2006 Amelio C. Enterprises acquired their third company, Arizona Cowboy Foods & Wholesale Baskets Unlimited. Arizona Cowboy Foods specializes in private labeling and packaging of a variety of snack item. Along with their own brand items, Arizona Cowboy Foods has found its niche in the specialty food grocery chains, resort gift shops and gift basket industry. 2012 Amelio C. Enterprises was ready to jump into a more grocery centered product line with the acquisition of Desert Rose Foods & Albertas Organic. Desert Rose Foods has a long standing reputation in Arizona. Established in the 1980s. With that success and to meet the needs of those consumers with a heightened concern about quality and the elimination of the use of chemically treated foods in their diet. Albertas Organic was born. The introduction of Albertas Organic was a part of the company's strategy to introduce a series of new organic and holistic centered products at an extraordinary value to the retail customer. 2013 Amelio C. Enterprises acquired Grandma Koyotes. Grandma Koyotes specializes in manufacturing of gourmet and diabetic friendly barbeque sauces with distribution in Arizona, California, Nevada and Hawaii. Amelio C. Enterprises has always had great success with all of its endeavors. Not to say there has not been challenging situations but with a family owned and operated company there is never something that can not be resolved. Amelio C. Enterprises is a prime example of the success you can have when you always strive to Do Better.

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