Alta Paint and Decor

Alta Paint And Decor

Retail, 4467 Rd, Evans, Georgia, Washington, 30809, United States, 1-10 Employees

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phone no Phone Number: 70********


Alta Paint & Decor is locally owned and operated, and we are excited to serve the city of Augusta and the Central Savannah River Area. We offer a complete line of Benjamin Moore products ...

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Stephanie Long

Communications, Color and Marketing Specialist at Alta Paint and Decor, Llc

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alta Paint and Decor

Answer: Alta Paint and Decor's headquarters are located at 4467 Rd, Evans, Georgia, Washington, 30809, United States

Answer: Alta Paint and Decor's phone number is 70********

Answer: Alta Paint and Decor's official website is

Answer: Alta Paint and Decor's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Alta Paint and Decor has 1-10 employees

Answer: Alta Paint and Decor is in Retail

Answer: Alta Paint and Decor contact info: Phone number: 70******** Website:

Answer: Alta Paint & Decor is locally owned and operated, and we are excited to serve the city of Augusta and the Central Savannah River Area. We offer a complete line of Benjamin Moore products for virtually every project you have. From surface preparation products to a wide array of coatings in sheens and formulas for every requirement. Whatever the job demands, we have what you need. With a combined 21 years of experience in both residential and commercial painting, we are committed to building strong relationships within our community through excellent customer service and high-quality products.


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