Advent Christian Village

Advent Christian Village

Religious Institutions, Dowling Park Dr, Live Oak, , 32060, Florida, 10680, United States, 201-500 Employees

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Since its founding in 1913, Advent Christian Village (ACV) has been devoted to serving others. Originally a home for orphaned children and retired ministers, this vibrant retirement commu...

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  • 10680 Dowling Park Dr, Live Oak, Florida, 32060, United States Headquarters: 10680 Dowling Park Dr, Live Oak, Florida, 32060, United States
  • 1913 Date Founded: 1913
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Religious Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 6513 | NAICS Code: 531110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Advent Christian Village

Answer: Advent Christian Village's headquarters are located at Dowling Park Dr, Live Oak, , 32060, Florida, 10680, United States

Answer: Advent Christian Village's phone number is 38********

Answer: Advent Christian Village's official website is

Answer: Advent Christian Village's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Advent Christian Village's SIC: 6513

Answer: Advent Christian Village's NAICS: 531110

Answer: Advent Christian Village has 201-500 employees

Answer: Advent Christian Village is in Religious Institutions

Answer: Advent Christian Village contact info: Phone number: 38******** Website:

Answer: Since its founding in 1913, Advent Christian Village (ACV) has been devoted to serving others. Originally a home for orphaned children and retired ministers, this vibrant retirement community welcomes people of all backgrounds. Decades of experience have reinforced its commitment to service and given rise to innovative programs and a full range of services for senior adults, families with special needs, and children. The community has developed and grown, adapting its methods to keep pace with the needs of a changing society. Yet, it has remained true to its mission: to express Christs love by providing compassionate care and quality comprehensive services to those it serves. Today, ACV is a thriving community of nearly 800 members and 500 employees. The 1,200-acre campus offers scenic landscapes along the Suwannee River within a hometown atmosphere. At ACV, neighbors care about each other. This unique community is enriched by members of all backgrounds, faiths and economic abilities. No entrance fees and reasonable rates make it a viable option for virtually anyone. Along with a full continuum of care, including independent living, assisted living and skilled nursing care, ACV offers a range of rental options and even home ownership. Members may choose from an array of services, paying only for those they use. Many services are available to the public as well. This self-contained village has the benefits of a city, complete with a wellness center, quality medical clinic, dining choices, pharmacy, grocery store and market center. There is plenty to do, with engaging activities for on- and off-campus members and a variety of volunteer opportunities. Many people say they feel something special when they visit ACV for the first time. This is truly a warm and engaging community. We strive for quality in all that we do and measure ourselves by our mission, striving every day to live out that attitude of compassion.


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