Advanced Atomization Technologies

Advanced Atomization Technologies

Aviation & Aerospace, 124 Columbia St, Clyde, New York, 14433, United States, 201-500 Employees

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Advanced Atomization Technologies (AA TECH) is a joint venture between Parker Aerospace and GE Aviation, created to produce and support advanced fuel nozzles and related products for curr...

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  • 124 Columbia St, Clyde, New York, 14433, United States Headquarters: 124 Columbia St, Clyde, New York, 14433, United States
  • 2014 Date Founded: 2014
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Aviation & Aerospace

SIC SIC Code: 3724 | NAICS Code: 339999 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Advanced Atomization Technologies

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies's headquarters are located at 124 Columbia St, Clyde, New York, 14433, United States

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies's phone number is 13*********

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies's official website is

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies's SIC: 3724

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies's NAICS: 339999

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies has 201-500 employees

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies is in Aviation & Aerospace

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies contact info: Phone number: 13********* Website:

Answer: Advanced Atomization Technologies (AA TECH) is a joint venture between Parker Aerospace and GE Aviation, created to produce and support advanced fuel nozzles and related products for current and future GE Aviation commercial engine platforms, including aerospace and aero-derivative engines. AA TECH designs and produces advanced fuel atomization nozzles for some of the most powerful and efficient gas turbine engines in the world, produced by GE Aviation. AA TECH is headquartered and performs all manufacturing in Clyde, New York. Our fuel nozzles are installed on almost every commercial aviation and industrial engine manufactured by GE Aviation. Aftermarket support for the nozzles is performed in Glendale, Arizona; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and Petropolis, Brazil. Our manufacturing professionals are experienced and knowledgeable, with broad technical expertise and a strong work ethic. Its workforce has been dedicated to business success in the precision manufacture of fuel nozzles for over 45 years.


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