Adkins Law Firm

Adkins Law Firm

Law Practice, 708 Telephone Rd, Houston, Texas, 77023, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Adkins Law Firm provides creative solutions to legal problems. A firm with deep community roots and a history of reliable service, we possess the resources and experience to assist client...

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industries-icon Industry: Law Practice

SIC SIC Code: 7371 | NAICS Code: 541110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Adkins Law Firm

Answer: Adkins Law Firm's headquarters are located at 708 Telephone Rd, Houston, Texas, 77023, United States

Answer: Adkins Law Firm's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Adkins Law Firm's official website is

Answer: Adkins Law Firm's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Adkins Law Firm's SIC: 7371

Answer: Adkins Law Firm's NAICS: 541110

Answer: Adkins Law Firm has 1-10 employees

Answer: Adkins Law Firm is in Law Practice

Answer: Adkins Law Firm contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: Adkins Law Firm provides creative solutions to legal problems. A firm with deep community roots and a history of reliable service, we possess the resources and experience to assist clients with a variety of personal and business matters. Our lawyers know how to approach and accommodate the unique demands of our clients to maximize your opportunity for success in cases involving construction disputes, products liability, commercial disputes, personal injury, and wrongful death. Our small firm enjoys an excellent reputation with long-standing clientele throughout the United States. One thing that sets Adkins Law Firm apart from other law firms is the firm's aggressive approach to client representation. From the outset, the attorneys at Adkins Law Firm take the time to understand the nature and loss resulting from of the particular accident, fraud or other wrongdoing as well as the viewpoints and expectations of our clients, legal opponents, and their respective communities. Serving the role as both counselor and advocate, our lawyers are known for the ingenuity, knowledge and innovative approaches used in efficiently, effectively and ethically fighting for its clients. Whether the case concerns a costly business dispute, construction or product defect, resulting in monetary business damages, property damages, personal injury damages, or death, Adkins Law Firm will fight to obtain the results you or your company deserve. Contact the Houston, Texas offices of Adkins Law Firm today by calling us at 713-574-5558.

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