
Acta Pannell

Legal Services, 5712 Val Verde St Ste 250, Houston, Texas, 77057, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Founded in 1969, ACTA-PANNELL was one of the first detective agencies to become licensed in the state of Texas. Over the past 40-plus years, ACTA-PANNELL has proven viable and reputable i...

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  • 5712 Val Verde St Ste 250, Houston, Texas, 77057, United States Headquarters: 5712 Val Verde St Ste 250, Houston, Texas, 77057, United States
  • 1969 Date Founded: 1969
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Legal Services

SIC SIC Code: 6211 | NAICS Code: 561611 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Acta-Pannell

Answer: Acta-Pannell's headquarters are located at 5712 Val Verde St Ste 250, Houston, Texas, 77057, United States

Answer: Acta-Pannell's phone number is +14*********

Answer: Acta-Pannell's official website is

Answer: Acta-Pannell's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Acta-Pannell's SIC: 6211

Answer: Acta-Pannell's NAICS: 561611

Answer: Acta-Pannell has 1-10 employees

Answer: Acta-Pannell is in Legal Services

Answer: Acta-Pannell contact info: Phone number: +14********* Website:

Answer: Founded in 1969, ACTA-PANNELL was one of the first detective agencies to become licensed in the state of Texas. Over the past 40-plus years, ACTA-PANNELL has proven viable and reputable in its practices. All of ACTA-PANNELL's agents are knowledgeable and experienced. The majority of its agents are former law enforcement officers and some currently maintain their peace officers commissions. ACTA-PANNELL cases include workers' compensation claims, personal injury, divorce, child custody, background investigations, due diligence, internal narcotics, internal theft, theft of proprietary information, copyright infringement, counterfeit products, asset locations for attorneys, corporations, RTC, FDIC, surveillance, counter surveillance, security consultants and more. Acta-Financial One of your most important decisions is to find a private investigator who has the skill, experience, and depth of knowledge to provide a more effective and responsive investigation. Whether you need asset searches, infidelity investigations, or office sweeps, ACTA-PANNELL can help. ACTA-PANNELLs surveillance investigation services are second to none. It utilizes state-of-the-art equipment in the hands of experienced investigators to gather facts and information about claimants, employees and spouses. Its highly skilled and experienced operatives have been trained to provide a discreet system for following the subject of an investigation. Generally, one to two operatives will be deployed in the following types of cases: matrimonial, corporate investigations, insurance, child custody and criminal matters. Acta-Corporate ACTA-PANNELL's investigators are experienced professionals and former law enforcement officers and former military, some of whom maintain their peace officer's commissions. When you need the services of experienced private investigators in Houston for any type of civil, criminal or domestic investigations, call the experts at ACTA-PANNELL.

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