ACA Reporting Service

Aca Reporting Service

Insurance, Prater Dr, Greenville, , 30014, South Carolina, 15151, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Healthcare Reporting is an organization committed to delivering smart and affordable services to Plan Sponsors, Brokers, TPAs, PBMs, Captives and the Stop-loss marketplace in general. We ...

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  • 15151 Prater Dr, Greenville, South Carolina, 30014, United States Headquarters: 15151 Prater Dr, Greenville, South Carolina, 30014, United States
  • 2013 Date Founded: 2013
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Insurance

SIC SIC Code: 5085 | NAICS Code: 999990 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding ACA Reporting Service

Answer: ACA Reporting Service's headquarters are located at Prater Dr, Greenville, , 30014, South Carolina, 15151, United States

Answer: ACA Reporting Service's phone number is 88********

Answer: ACA Reporting Service's official website is

Answer: ACA Reporting Service's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: ACA Reporting Service's SIC: 5085

Answer: ACA Reporting Service's NAICS: 999990

Answer: ACA Reporting Service has 11-50 employees

Answer: ACA Reporting Service is in Insurance

Answer: ACA Reporting Service contact info: Phone number: 88******** Website:

Answer: Healthcare Reporting is an organization committed to delivering smart and affordable services to Plan Sponsors, Brokers, TPAs, PBMs, Captives and the Stop-loss marketplace in general. We pride ourselves on having a high degree of technical expertise in benefits and blend that with high levels of client service. Healthcare Reporting was originally founded in 2015 to address new compliance regulations required under the Affordable Care Act. Since that time the compliance and administration burden of our clients has continued to grow, and we have evolved to help meet those needs. Our next evolution occurred in 2017 when we released Self Insured Reporting, a Claim Reporting & Analytics technology that had been in the works for a decade prior. The platform was well received due to our full integration of the stop loss contract, robust financial reporting and stop loss reporting. It was not long before we were receiving data from 100+ different TPAs and 40+ different PBMs. As the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) was passed and implemented, it has brought with it additional compliance requirements as well as an increased focus on fiduciary duty by the Department of Labor. This was the catalyst to our offering various other compliance services such as Mental Health Parity, RxDC Reporting, Air Ambulance Reporting & Gag Clause Attestation assistance. The implications of this move is that Plan Fiduciaries will have increased scrutiny regarding their management of Medical Plan Assets. We see this scrutiny occurring both for Plan Sponsors as well as TPAs (who are often considered fiduciaries by the courts.) For these reasons we launched various Claim Services to help meet those fiduciary duties including Dialysis Cost Containment, Subrogation and Stop Loss Claim Filing.


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