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Transportation and Logistics Industry Description

The transportation and logistics industry in South Dakota plays a crucial role in connecting the state's businesses and residents with the rest of the country and the world. With its central location in the United States, South Dakota serves as a vital transportation hub for various modes of transportation, including air, rail, road, and water. South Dakota's transportation infrastructure is well-developed, allowing for efficient movement of goods and people. The state is served by several major highways, including Interstate 90 and Interstate 29, which connect South Dakota to neighboring states and provide access to major markets. Additionally, the state has an extensive network of state and county roads that facilitate transportation within South Dakota. The state's airports, such as Sioux Falls Regional Airport and Rapid City Regional Airport, provide domestic and international air travel options. These airports handle a significant amount of cargo and passenger traffic, suppor...

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2.01 Billion


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Avg salary

Avg Salary in Transportation and Logistics



top companies

Top Companies


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, South Dakota

250 Million to 500 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, South Dakota

100 Million to 250 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, South Dakota

100 Million to 250 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, South Dakota

50 Million to 100 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, South Dakota

25 Million to 50 Million



United States, South Dakota

50 Million to 100 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, South Dakota

5 Million to 10 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, South Dakota

10 Million to 25 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, South Dakota

1 Million to 5 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, South Dakota

25 Million to 50 Million


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Segmentation by Number of Employees

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The top Transportation and Logistics companies in South Dakota are South Dakota Department of Transportation, Trail King Industries and School Bus. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 47 of Transportation and Logistics companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Transportation and Logistics companies in the US is 7500000.

No, the Transportation and Logistics industry in South Dakota is not known for Transportation and Logistics as there are only 47 companies in South Dakota.

The average revenue for Transportation and Logistics companies in South Dakota is 42776596.

You can find job opportunities in the Transportation and Logistics in South Dakota through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Transportation and Logistics industry main page is found here.

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