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Shipbuilding Industry Description

The shipbuilding industry in New Jersey has a rich history dating back to the colonial era. During the 19th century, the state became a major center for shipbuilding due to its strategic location on the Atlantic coast and its access to major waterways such as the Delaware River and the Raritan Bay. The industry reached its peak during World War II when New Jersey shipyards produced a significant portion of the US Navy's fleet. However, the industry declined in the post-war period due to competition from foreign shipyards and changes in the global economy. Today, there are only a few active shipyards in New Jersey, including the Bayonne Drydock and Repair Corporation and the New York Shipbuilding Corporation. These shipyards primarily focus on repairing and maintaining vessels rather than building new ones. Despite the challenges facing the industry, shipbuilding remains an important part of New Jersey's maritime heritage and continues to play a vital role in the state's economy.



57.5 Million


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Avg salary

Avg Salary in Shipbuilding



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United States, New Jersey

25 Million to 50 Million



United States, New Jersey

1 Million to 5 Million



United States, New Jersey

5 Million to 10 Million



United States, New Jersey

1 Million to 5 Million



United States, New Jersey

1 Million to 5 Million



United States, New Jersey

1 Million to 5 Million



United States, New Jersey

1 Million to 5 Million


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Segmentation by Number of Employees

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Industry + State Overview

The manufacturing and industrial industry in New Jersey is a significant contributor to the state's economy. With a rich history in manufacturing, New Jersey has a diverse range of industries within this sector. One prominent industry is pharmaceutical manufacturing, with several major pharmaceutical companies having their headquarters or manufacturing facilities in the state. These companies play a crucial role in the development and production of life-saving drugs and medical devices. Additionally, New Jersey is known for its chemical manufacturing industry, which produces a wide range of chemicals used in various sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, and consumer goods. The state also has a strong presence in the food processing industry, with numerous food manufacturing plants and distribution centers. This industry encompasses the production of packaged foods, beverages, and other food products. Furthermore, New Jersey has a thriving automotive manufacturing sector, with sev...

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The top Shipbuilding companies in New Jersey are BAYONNE DRYDOCK & REPAIR CORP., Underwater Services and Causeway Marine. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 7 of Shipbuilding companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Shipbuilding companies in the US is 2500000.

No, the Shipbuilding industry in New Jersey is not known for Shipbuilding as there are only 7 companies in New Jersey.

The average revenue for Shipbuilding companies in New Jersey is 8214286.

You can find job opportunities in the Shipbuilding in New Jersey through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Shipbuilding industry main page is found here.

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