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Performing Arts Industry Description

The Performing Arts industry in Pennsylvania is a vibrant and diverse sector that encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including theater, dance, music, and more. The state is home to numerous world-class performing arts organizations, such as the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, and the Pennsylvania Ballet, among others. These organizations attract top talent from around the world and offer audiences a rich and varied cultural experience. In addition to these large-scale organizations, Pennsylvania is also home to a thriving community of smaller, independent performing arts groups. These groups often specialize in more niche areas of the performing arts, such as experimental theater or avant-garde dance. They play an important role in the state's cultural landscape, providing opportunities for emerging artists to showcase their work and for audiences to experience new and innovative forms of performance. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant imp...

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5.47 Billion


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Avg salary

Avg Salary in Performing Arts



top companies

Top Companies


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

50 Million to 100 Million


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

100 Million to 250 Million


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

250 Million to 500 Million


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

100 Million to 250 Million


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

50 Million to 100 Million


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

50 Million to 100 Million


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

50 Million to 100 Million


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

50 Million to 100 Million


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

1 Million to 5 Million


Performing Arts

United States, Pennsylvania

25 Million to 50 Million


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Segmentation by Number of Employees

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Industry + State Overview

The arts, entertainment, and media industry in Pennsylvania is a vibrant and diverse sector that contributes significantly to the state's cultural and economic landscape. Pennsylvania is home to a wide range of arts organizations, entertainment venues, and media outlets that cater to various artistic disciplines and audience preferences. In terms of the arts, Pennsylvania boasts a thriving visual arts scene with numerous galleries, museums, and art centers spread across the state. Prominent institutions like the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, and the Allentown Art Museum showcase a rich collection of artworks spanning different periods and styles. These institutions not only provide a platform for local artists but also attract visitors from around the world, contributing to the state's tourism industry. Pennsylvania also has a vibrant performing arts sector, with theaters, opera houses, and concert halls hosting a wide range of performances ...

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The top Performing Arts companies in Pennsylvania are The Philadelphia Orchestra, Midd-West School District and Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 147 of Performing Arts companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Performing Arts companies in the US is 7500000.

Yes, the Performing Arts industry in Pennsylvania is known for Performing Arts as there are 147 companies in Pennsylvania.

The average revenue for Performing Arts companies in Pennsylvania is 37200680.

You can find job opportunities in the Performing Arts in Pennsylvania through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Performing Arts industry main page is found here.

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