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Outsourcing and Offshoring Industry Description

The outsourcing/offshoring industry in Ohio has been growing steadily over the years. Ohio is home to many companies that outsource their business processes to other countries, such as India, China, and the Philippines. This industry has been a significant contributor to Ohio's economy, providing jobs and boosting the state's GDP. The outsourcing/offshoring industry in Ohio is prevalent in various sectors, including IT, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Many companies in Ohio have realized the benefits of outsourcing, such as cost savings, access to a larger talent pool, and increased efficiency. However, outsourcing has also been a controversial topic, with some critics arguing that it leads to job losses and a decline in the quality of services. Despite the criticisms, the outsourcing/offshoring industry in Ohio is expected to continue growing in the coming years, as more companies seek to take advantage of the benefits it offers.



3.42 Billion


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Avg salary

Avg Salary in Outsourcing and Offshoring



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Top Companies


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

250 Million to 500 Million


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

250 Million to 500 Million


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

250 Million to 500 Million


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

250 Million to 500 Million


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

500 Million to 1 Billion


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

25 Million to 50 Million


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

25 Million to 50 Million


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

5 Million to 10 Million


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

1 Billion and Over


Outsourcing and Offshoring

United States, Ohio

10 Million to 25 Million


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Segmentation by Number of Employees

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Industry + State Overview

The business services industry in Ohio is a thriving sector that plays a crucial role in the state's economy. It encompasses a wide range of activities and services that support businesses in various aspects of their operations. Ohio has a diverse and robust business services landscape, with numerous companies offering specialized services such as consulting, marketing, accounting, legal, and human resources. One of the key factors contributing to the growth of the business services industry in Ohio is the state's strategic location. Situated in the heart of the Midwest, Ohio provides easy access to major markets and transportation networks, making it an attractive destination for businesses seeking to establish their operations. This advantageous location has led to the establishment of many business service providers, catering to both local and national clients. Moreover, Ohio's strong educational institutions and skilled workforce have played a significant role in the industry'...

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The top Outsourcing and Offshoring companies in Ohio are HKT Teleservices, Merchants and RDI Corporation. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 18 of Outsourcing and Offshoring companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Outsourcing and Offshoring companies in the US is 27500000.

No, the Outsourcing and Offshoring industry in Ohio is not known for Outsourcing and Offshoring as there are only 18 companies in Ohio.

The average revenue for Outsourcing and Offshoring companies in Ohio is 189861111.

You can find job opportunities in the Outsourcing and Offshoring in Ohio through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Outsourcing and Offshoring industry main page is found here.

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