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Nanotechnology Industry Description

Connecticut has a thriving nanotechnology industry that is focused on research and development, as well as commercialization of nanotechnology products. The state is home to several companies and research institutions that are involved in the development of nanotechnology products and applications. Some of the key players in the industry include the University of Connecticut, Yale University, and the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology. These institutions are involved in research and development of nanotechnology products in areas such as healthcare, energy, and electronics. Additionally, there are several companies in Connecticut that are involved in the production of nanotechnology products, including Nanocor Therapeutics, Inc., and NanoViricides, Inc. The state government has also been supportive of the industry, providing funding and incentives to companies and research institutions to encourage the development of nanotechnology products. Overall, the nanotechnology indus...

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39.5 Million


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Avg Salary in Nanotechnology



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United States, Connecticut

25 Million to 50 Million



United States, Connecticut

Under 1 Million



United States, Connecticut

Under 1 Million


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Industry + State Overview

Connecticut has a long-standing history of being a prominent player in the manufacturing and industrial sector. The state's manufacturing industry encompasses a diverse range of sectors, including aerospace, defense, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, machinery, and more. With a highly skilled workforce and a favorable business environment, Connecticut has attracted numerous manufacturing companies, contributing significantly to its economy. The aerospace industry holds a prominent position in Connecticut's manufacturing landscape. The state is home to several major aerospace companies, including Pratt & Whitney and Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. These companies specialize in the production of aircraft engines, helicopters, and other aerospace components. Connecticut's aerospace industry benefits from its proximity to major airports and research institutions, fostering innovation and collaboration within the sector. Connecticut's defense industry also plays a crucial role in the st...

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The top Nanotechnology companies in Connecticut are CAMECA, Electron Microscopy Innovative Technologies and Jet Process Corporation. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 3 of Nanotechnology companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Nanotechnology companies in the US is 1000000.

No, the Nanotechnology industry in Connecticut is not known for Nanotechnology as there are only 3 companies in Connecticut.

The average revenue for Nanotechnology companies in Connecticut is 13166667.

You can find job opportunities in the Nanotechnology in Connecticut through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Nanotechnology industry main page is found here.

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