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Graphic Design Industry Description

The Graphic Design industry in Michigan is a thriving sector that has been growing steadily over the years. The state is home to a diverse range of design firms, advertising agencies, and marketing companies that offer a wide range of services to clients across various industries. These services include branding, logo design, web design, print design, and digital marketing. One of the key factors driving the growth of the Graphic Design industry in Michigan is the state's strong economy. Michigan is home to several large corporations, including General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler, which provide a steady stream of business for design firms and agencies. Additionally, the state's vibrant startup scene has created a demand for design services among new businesses looking to establish their brand identity. Another factor contributing to the growth of the Graphic Design industry in Michigan is the state's strong educational system. Michigan is home to several top-ranked design schools, ...

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510 Million


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Avg salary

Avg Salary in Graphic Design



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Top Companies


Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

25 Million to 50 Million


Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

5 Million to 10 Million


Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

100 Million to 250 Million


Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

5 Million to 10 Million


Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

5 Million to 10 Million


medal eVN

Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

5 Million to 10 Million


Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

5 Million to 10 Million


Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

5 Million to 10 Million


Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

Under 1 Million


Graphic Design

United States, Michigan

25 Million to 50 Million


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Segmentation by Number of Employees

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Industry + State Overview

The arts, entertainment, and media industry in Michigan is a vibrant and diverse sector that contributes significantly to the state's cultural and economic landscape. Michigan has a rich history in the arts, with a thriving community of artists, performers, and creative professionals. The industry encompasses various subsectors, including visual arts, performing arts, film and television production, music, publishing, and digital media. In terms of visual arts, Michigan is home to numerous art galleries, museums, and cultural institutions that showcase the works of local and international artists. The Detroit Institute of Arts, for example, is renowned for its extensive collection of fine art, while the Grand Rapids Art Museum highlights contemporary and modern art. These institutions not only provide a platform for artists to exhibit their work but also attract tourists and art enthusiasts from around the world. The performing arts scene in Michigan is equally vibrant, with a wid...

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The top Graphic Design companies in Michigan are Kinetic Creations, Shaw PPC Design and Photography By Ellen. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 85 of Graphic Design companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Graphic Design companies in the US is 1000000.

Yes, the Graphic Design industry in Michigan is known for Graphic Design as there are 85 companies in Michigan.

The average revenue for Graphic Design companies in Michigan is 5994118.

You can find job opportunities in the Graphic Design in Michigan through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Graphic Design industry main page is found here.

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